Monday, July 16, 2018

What Is A Naturopathic Nutritionist?

I am about to start my second year of a 3 year course to become a Naturopathic Nutritionist and a question I always get is 'What is a Naturopathic Nutritionist?'.

This is how I would explain it a NN uses food as medicine. Each patient is treated individually and to their unique needs. There is no 1 answer fits all. A NN will go through all aspects of the patients health to identify the root cause of the problem and provide guidance to bring the body back to optimum health. As a NN I will be qualified to prescribe supplements and refer to a doctor if need be.  I will be trained to welcome anyone with any health concern into my practice. This being said I do personally want to specialise in Acne, Hormones and Food Allergies/ Intolerances.

I have just completed Biomedicine and Human Science which has given me the training and knowledge on the body and how our body functions. This is fundamental as in order to give advice and guidance I must know what is going on inside the body first. I can not stress enough how crucial this part of the training is as you must be sure the advice and guidance you are giving is 100% positively impacting their health even if it is a small diet change. You must also remember every one is different and something which may seem healthy to your body may not be to someone else's.

What to expect if you went to a Naturopathic Nutritionist consultation.
- An in-depth case history - Can take 1 hour.
This would include discussing health concerns, your medical history, family medical history, eating habits, if a women your menstrual cycle and so much more.
The practitioner may also carry out any necessary examinations for example looking at your tongue. If needed the practitioner may also recommend you to get tests done with your doctor at which they can provide a doctors note.

I personally believe it is very beneficial to see a Naturopathic Nutritionist regardless of which route of treatment you decide take as they really take the time to look deep into your health and try to get to the root cause.

This is just a brief overview of what I am working towards but I am so passionate about the route I am taking. I have been able to cure my acne, hormonal health and food intolerances naturally and mostly all by myself from experimentation and research. I am now backing my 11 years of personal experience with certified knowledge and I am so excited to start helping others to improve their health and lives. If you want to check out my journey and insight so far check out my youtube channel.

I hope this post has answered your questions. If you do have any other questions please leave them below :)


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