Tuesday, July 24, 2018

7 Tips To Keep Your Hormones Balanced On Holiday

Keeping our hormones balanced in day to day life can be hard enough as it but when we go on holiday we have to bring out every trick in the book to keep our hormones happy.

I am currently posting a week long series on my youtube channel all on HOW TO STAY HEALTHY ON HOLIDAY. This means how to keep everything which you are working hard to maintain going when you are on holiday. This could be your skin, your digestion, balanced hormones or whatever it is unique to you. If you want to check out the series click here for the playlist. I am posting everyday MON - FRI @7PM.

So today I thought I would do a quick post on my travel tips for keeping your hormones balanced.

1) Stick to your body clock on the plane. 

Especially if you are getting a night flight it is very easy to accept a meal at 2am but would you normally eat at 2am? The answer to that (I hope) is no. Our body has it's own schedule going on and if you disrupt it of course it will effect your hormone balance. So try to be mindful of what time it is to you and stick to your normal routine.

2) Be mindful of what you eat on the plane. 

Plane journeys can be challenging as you are stuck in the sky and you have to make use of what you have with you or are given. My tip would be to try and source your own food and take it with you so don't get stuck for what to eat. Also try to stay as healthy as possible on the plane as you are sitting down for however many hours and it can be tougher on your digestive system. My personal tip is to also cut down the grains. As you are not moving about heavy foods make your body work harder to digest and with the dehydration flying brings constipation is a problem you do not want to face.

3) Watch out for sugar.

You are on holiday so of course you may want to have a treat here and there but keep an eye on your sugar load. It is very easy to miss judge how much sugar you eat on holiday from drinks, to breakfast foods to even dinner meals. Some restaurants actually add sugar into savoury food. So try to bare the sugar levels in mind because your hormones will thank you for it!

4) Take your supplements with you.

Wether this is a tablet supplement you take or a superfood such as maca if you normally take it on a daily basis then make sure you pack it with you! I take my superfoods in zip lock bags and at them to my breakfast and it keeps everything in check!

5) Make sure you are going to the toilet (poo) everyday!

This one is SO important! Not only does it effect the entire body but constipation really plays havoc with our hormones! We actually dispose of excess hormones in our bowels so if we are not excreting properly we will re absorb and that is what we want to avoid! I have a video on how to prevent constipation travelling coming this week!

6) Take some tea.

I you follow me you may know I love spearmint tea I talk about it quite a lot but for good reason! Spearmint tea is amazing to get rid of excess testosterone and also help your body come back into balance. It works a treat every time and I recommend having a cup everyday on holiday. Also I recommend spearmint in particular, I get a lot of questions about this and other mint teas do have the same effect to a certain degree but not nearly as much as spearmint so it defiantly is the king pin.

7) Keep your diet going. 

If you know what foods work best for you try to keep them going whilst on holiday. It is ok to slip out of routine and treat yourself but try to not make it a whole week of just slip ups. You need to keep some normality going for your body. Also bare in mind you may be eating out a lot so you have not got the control over what goes into your food. So just be cautious and make good choices and disperse 'treats' throughout your time away so you do not overload your body.

8) Water!

So simple but so effective. With all these new foods you will be eating make sure you drink every more water than normal. Water is the best tool to 'flush' through our body. Now that is just a saying but it does support our excretion of waste products and like I said earlier we do not want anything re absorbed.

So there are some of my top tips for keeping your hormones happy and balanced on holiday :)

What are your tips? I would love to know!!

Ebony x


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