Monday, July 16, 2018

How To Prevent Acne Coming Back

Your skin finally clears but you know it is just a matter of time before you start breaking out again. Today's post is my tips to prevent that happening and to keep clear skin for good! So let's get into it!

Tip 1:
So if you have been on a clear skin journey you hopefully by now might have figured out what your trigger foods are. Now you finally have cleared your skin it is not a time to start thinking 'I can eat what I want again'. I am so sorry to give you this bad news but you need to still be cautious of your trigger foods. If you don't know what I am talking about when I say 'trigger foods' I am referring to foods which you notice impact your skin, digestion, mood or any negative response. For me for example sugar is one of my trigger foods. If I indulge in too much sugar I can bet you will see it on my face. 

Tip 2:
Keep your diet anti-inflammatory. This is beneficial even if you are still struggling with acne. Keeping your body anti-inflammatory is going to help prevent any reaction or breakout on your face. Acne is linked to inflammation so the less inflammation in the body the less acne on our face

Tip 3:
Going back to my point about thinking 'I can eat what I want again' this also means don't start letting your healthy habits slip. Clear skin does not mean now you can suddenly eat processed foods and Mc Donalds. Your skin has got to the stage it is at because you have been taking care of your body and health so keep on that track if you want to maintain clear skin.

Tip 4:
Water, water and more water. Make sure you are drinking at least 2L of water a day. Water is the best way to keep everything in our body running smoothly. Water helps our detoxification so the more water we drink the easier it is on our body to get rid of waste. If we do not get rid of waste it will come out in other ways such as our skin.

Tip 5:
Taking about detoxification lets talk about our bowels. Make sure you pay attention to your toilet habits and are doing a poo (sorry no other way to put it) at least once a day. You do not want a build up and suffer from constipation because that is just asking for acne. 

Tip 6:
Let's start talking skincare. The best advice I can give is stick to what you know works. Unless you are bless with skin which can handle most things you put on it then just stick to what you know works. I am assuming if you are reading this post then you can suffered with acne in the past so this defiantly applies to you. The biggest mistake I see is people clear their skin and then think 'yay my skin is clear' and then start trying loads of new products and boom they are back to square one freaking out with a face full of acne. There are many things in life we can experiment with but if you have acne skincare is not one of them. 

Tip 7:
So what do you do if your clear skin suddenly does get a breakout. Don't panic!!! Don't start picking at your face and researching on youtube the best product to get rid of acne because that just usually results in more acne. The best thing to do is leave it and don't touch it and make sure you are only using skincare which you know works for you. A spot could be hormonal so just let it be and if you do feel it is at a stage where it needs to be popped then do it (with all precautions) and then put a little bit of tea tree oil on it and leave it. 

Tip 8:
Exfoliation is very important to help maintain clear skin. Just once a week is fine or if your skin can handle more then twice. You can either use a chemical or physical exfoliant it is down to your preference. You just want to make sure dead skin cells are being removed from your skin otherwise it can cause blocked pores and acne especially if you have oily skin.

Tip 9:
Keep your stress in check. Stress is a bit contributor to a lot of skin condition on just acne. It can cause what we call 'flare ups'. This is where majority of people will recommend 10 mins of meditation a day but I just say do what relaxes you and takes your mind of things. Wether it is your favourite tv show, going to the gym or doing a yoga class just take some time for you and to distract your mind from any stressful thoughts. 

Tip 10:
Another factor which ties in closely to stress is sleep. Make sure you are maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and getting enough hours of sleep per night. Not only will this help your skin but it also helps all of your body functions. Skin responds extremely well to sleep so don't neglect this amazing remedy. 

Tip 11:
Tell your self 'I do not have acne any more'. When you finally have clear skin it is easy to stay in the mindset of 'I have acne' and this is the first thing you want to switch. We become our thoughts so the more you believe you do not suffer with acne the more your mind will open up. This is what you have been waiting for so enjoy it :) 

Tip 12: 
We all know hormones play a huge role in our skin. If our hormones are out of balance we know about it! To maintain clear skin I recommend being mindful with your cycle for example if you know it is that time of the month then you know it is not wise to indulge in a sugary treat because even though your body may be craving it that sugar is going to spike your testosterone and there is more chance for a spot to appear. Or if you do want that sugary treat have a much smaller portion and follow it up with a spearmint tea to help balance that testosterone out. 

Tip 13:
Last but not least listen to your body. This is in every aspect and if you do so not only will it help you maintain clear skin but also improve your over all health. 

I defiantly recommend checking out the video I posted along side this post as I talk about the tips is greater detail and knowing me there probably is a few extra tips in there too. 
This video was VIDEO 5 of my POST ACNE CARE SERIES. If you would like to watch the whole series on all the ways to look after your skin post acne from scarring and pigmentation to confidence to how to cover scarring with makeup (without foundation) then click this link.

What is your favourite trick to maintaining clear skin?? Lets chat!

Ebony x


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