Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Seed Cycling Q+A

As I have just posted a full video all on Seed Cycling (so if you prefer to watch than read that video covers everything) I thought I would also post a Q+A covering common questions and clear up any confusion if you are un sure wether this method is for you or not.

What is Seed Cycling?
A method to support cycle regulation and hormonal balance where you rotate seeds to support the process of your menstrual cycling.

What seeds do I use?
Follicular Phase (day 1 - ovulation) - Flaxseed + Pumpkin seed
Luteal Phase (ovulation - first day of period) - Sesame seed + Sunflower seed.

When do I switch my seeds?
On the day you ovulate or the following day.

How much do I eat?
2tbs per day. So 1tbs per seed.

What if I don't know when I ovulate?
If you have a regular cycle ovulation is around day 14 of your cycle. If you do not have a regular cycle or you do not have a period then you sync your cycle with the moon.

How do I sync my cycle with the moon?
Start your seed cycling on the New Moon (Flaxseed + pumpkin seed) and switch the seeds on the Full Moon (sesame seed + sunflower seed).

How do the seeds work?
The hull of the seed contains 'lignans' which bind excess hormones. The oil of the seed contains 'fatty acids' which help to build hormones. The seeds chosen support the dominant hormones in that phase of your cycle.

Do my seeds have to be organic?
They don't HAVE to be but I highly recommend it. Look at the seeds as your medicine. 

Can I use salted seeds?
No. Seeds must be in their raw plain state.

How do I eat the seeds?
You must grind the seeds. You can use a pestle and mortar or I like to use a blender. This makes sure the seeds are easily absorbed and you get the most from them. The best time to eat your seeds is in the morning, breakfast would be perfect!

Can I grind in batches?
NO! Unfortunately you must grind your seeds fresh. Once the seeds are grounded they can oxidise quickly which can make the seeds go bad.

Who is seed cycling good for? 
If you have any of the following;
Irregular cycle
no period (amenorrhea)
hormonal imbalances
Heavy periods
peri-menopause + menopause

I have a regular cycle do I need to seed cycle?
Not at all. It is your choice.

I find eating so many seeds hard on my digestion
Try soaking your seeds over night.

How long does it take to see results?
It can take 3 cycles before you see any benefits so be patient and consistent :)

If I have missed any questions leave them in the comments below and I will continue to add to this post.

Happy seed cycling!

Ebony x

1 comment

  1. Hello!
    I started seed cycling last Saturday on the new moon and it has almost been a week (its Friday) and i have started my period. Do i keep taking pumpkin and flax since its only been a week of those seeds and I’m balancing with the moon or should i switch to sesame and sunflower and forget the moon cycle?


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