Friday, August 03, 2018

Healthy Sugars Causing Acne

A very common scenario I see is people want to cut out sugar to help their acne and replace it was 'natural sugars' but then because they feel they don't have 'bad sugars' they go over board with the 'natural sugars'. 

Although yes it is great to make the switch to choose better options we need to get the facts straight. SUGAR IS SUGAR. 

Wether it is white sugar or maple syrup our body is still going to have a response to it (maybe different levels of intensity but it will still respond). Now if you do not suffer with acne then yes making these switches will benefit you (although I still think you should try and cut it further down but that is for another post). However if you have acne and are eating lots of treats made from dates, maple syrup, coconut sugar or whatever 'healthy' alternative you use then your acne may not improve, it could even get worse. 

A hormone which plays its effects on acne is testosterone. Testosterone is effected by many things but sugar is a big one. Sugar can create excess testosterone in our body and if you already have acne then it really is only going to make it worse. This is where I want to talk about BALANCE AND MODERATION. 

I am not sitting here telling you to never touch sugar at all. I think it is more unhealthy to restrict yourself then to just eat the sugar, but it is all about balance and moderation. When we think something is healthy we have no problem letting ourself have it every day even if it is 1 energy ball. 1 energy ball a day becomes a habit and then you get to the point where it has to be apart of your daily routine. What happens is you start eating these things out of habit and not because you really want it and then you are in a continuous sugar cycle. Then you also have the days when you have your 1 energy ball (like you always do) but then you are out with a friend and want to share a treat so you add that on to your day.  The point I am making is healthy treats can be habit forming without even realising. 

You may be thinking this is such a stupid point. But it isn't. I used to add dates to my morning porridge everyday not thinking of the effects on my sugar levels because I was lead to believe dates were a 'healthy sugar'. Until I realised the sugar connection I stopped the dates in the morning and took all sugar content out of my breakfast and I could not believe the results that one change made. Not only did I notice my skin improved slightly but I didn't get sugar cravings in the day as bad as I used to. 

When I saw the small change it made on my skin I wanted to keep going and I started to reduce my sugar consumption by taking out 'healthy energy balls' and switching my chocolate to the darkest I could find and yes I saw more improvements with my acne! 

I then took my focus onto savoury foods (which again is a whole other post I will get to) and I started looking into low GI foods. Well I am not looking back! My skin has responded so well just from focusing on sugars alone. 

If you suffer with PCOS or hormonal acne I highly recommend you take everything I have said into consideration because like I said at the beginning of the post the sugar effects our testosterone. I have posted a whole series on youtube on PCOS + ANCE. It also effects our insulin levels as well and if we have crazy blood sugar levels and excess testosterone well it is a breeding ground for acne

Lastly I want to end by saying this does not mean I don't touch sugar. To me that is not healthy because I do love a sweet treat now and then and like I said I am so against restriction. Not having something has to be a choice you want to do to better your health and come from the right place, not to just follow rules which you dread. So I do have sugar but just in moderation and small amounts. I know how much my body can process and deal with and I know my limits. So I allow myself to have everything but I adapt it to my body. If I want a piece of cake I will but I will make sure that is my only sugar indulge for the day. 

Not everyone is sensitive to sugar. I have friends who can eat what they want and never get a spot, but it is actually a small percentage of people who are like that. Don't see it as a flaw that you are more sensitive, see it as a positive that you are so aware of your body and you look after your health. You will only get benefits from it for years to come.

Ebony x


1 comment

  1. So insightful and helpful! Thank you!

    I'm new to this journey of limiting my sugar intake and I've noticed a big difference in my acne. It's so hard though because I love sweets. 😕
    I'm still trying to find my balance but your blogs and videos have been such a helpful tool for me.

    -Lisa Campbell


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