Friday, August 31, 2018

5 Ways I Save Money Daily

Right now I have to be extra savvy with my money. I am in the beginning stages of starting a new business and with that comes a period of time where your income is extremely harsh! I have always been very good with money since a young age and many people in my personal life don't understand how I afford the things I do with the income I have. The answer is I am just very savvy and know where to cut back and where to spend my money.

In today's post I am going to share 5 things I do in my day to day life which saves a few pennies here and there, and let me tell you the pennies add up!

1) Always have a re usable cup with you.
Not only for environmental reasons but many coffee shops actually give you a reduced price if you bring your own cup! For example in Pret you save 50p! (just make sure they do take of the 50p!) Also stores like Waitrose actually offer a free hot drink if you have a 'my waitrose' card.

2) Turmeric Latte - 2 for 1
I love a turmeric latte but personally I always find them way to strong when I get them from coffee shops. Fact - majority of coffee shops actually use a sachet mix to make the latte so what I do is I ask them to only put half of the sachet in and then I ask to keep the other half of the sachet. I just put a clip on it and chuck it in my bag and then I can have another turmeric latte the next day at home for free :). Also you have control of how strong it is. You can always add but you can't take away!

3) Buy reduced fruit and put straight in the freezer.
If you like to make smoothies with fruit and you buy frozen fruit anyway then always check the reduced section in supermarkets. I always have my eye out for raspberries and if I see a good reduction I buy it and put it in the freezer and it is perfect for my shakes. Sometimes you can get them for under half the price!

4) Try and plan your errands (when you can) to days/ times parking is free.
Parking fees can be a killer! I like to try to plan certain errands for a Sunday or evenings so I can park for free and not have to worry when my ticket runs out.

5) Do your food shop in the evening.
This is the time of the day all the deal hunters are out! haha Including myself lol. A lot of food goes on discount because of the sell by date but in actual fact it can last a few days after. Or even if you need to pick up food for dinner. If you know you are eating it that night or the next day grab those bargains!

What are your tips for saving money on the daily?

Ebony x


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